Ohio Girl Scouts' Cookie Sales Help Iraqi Street Children

APRIL 30, 2012

On April 11, the Sponsor Iraqi Children Foundation (SICF) received a generous donation of $200 from four Girl Scouts in Ohio to help street children and orphans their own age in Baghdad, Iraq.

The girls – Farah, Julie, Mallory, and Hannah – of Troop 46707 in Fairfield, OH, heard of the plight of the Iraqi street children and orphans through a friend and decided to raise funds for these children through their Girl Scout cookie sales.

[T]heir generosity is enough to feed almost 7 street children for a month.


“What these young Girl Scouts did to extend a loving hand of help to hurting children thousands of miles away is very impressive,” said Jonathan Webb, Chairman of SICF and Iraq war veteran.  “It costs about $30 a month to feed a child at the Center, so their generosity is enough to feed almost 7 street children for a month.   As an American and a father myself, I am very proud of their generous spirit.”

The Baghdad Street Children Center is funded by SICF and provides food, tutoring, play and recreation, and other social services to 50 children.  For more information, visit www.sicfiraq.org.


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