Iraq's Ambassador Lukman Daily to Participate in ICF's "In Their Shoes" 5K

MARCH 28, 2014

Iraqi Children Foundation (ICF) President Betsy Phillips announced today that Iraq’s Ambassador to the United States Lukman Faily will participate in ICF’s May 10 5K to benefit Iraqi orphans and street children.

“We are so honored to have Ambassador Faily as a special guest runner at our 5K to benefit Iraq’s most vulnerable children,” Phillips said.  “I served at the US Embassy in Baghdad and haven’t forgotten the people of Iraq, especially the children.  ICF is passionate about providing food, tutoring, clothing, emotional care, and other support to these kids who have suffered so much from years of violence.”

ICF’s second annual “IN THEIR SHOES” 5K will be held at Cameron Run Regional Park in Alexandria VA, on Saturday May 10, 2014, at 8 am.  The course is USTAF certified for competitive runners but is also family friendly for those who prefer a fun run/walk.

Corporate sponsorship opportunities for the 5K remain available.  For details, please contact us at or 703.963.3832

To register online, go to   Those preferring to mail in their registration may print and mail the attached form.


"In Their Shoes" 5K Fun Run/Walk with Iraqi's Ambassador Lukman Faily


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